私たち”Utervision Company Japan”に関わる
All of us involved in the work of Utervision Company Japan aspire to be versatile practitioners.
take responsibilities for our work as professional artists, and strive to play a positive role in society.
May the audience who experienced our work be filled with wonder and surprise, celebrate their life and feel enriched in their feelings.
Utervision is a collective of international artists of diverse genres.
Since the company was established in 2011 in Avignon, France, Utervision has presented performance works across the world, including in Japan, France, the UK, and South East Asia.
The company name is coined from ‘uter’ (‘uterus’ for womb in Latin) and ‘vision’ (ability to see / insightful). It represents our ambition to be an artistic collective that encompasses all branches of art and creates innovative experience for the audience.
Utervision established its unique performing style by combining figure theatre, puppetry, and physical theatre. In 2015, the company embarked on international collaborative projects with an aspiration to create unparalleled performance works and to share them to the local audience across the globe.
Utervision also runs a series of performance workshop for artists and people of all age, regardless of their experience in theatre. The participatory workshop series are designed to share the infinite potential of communication and imagination through theatre.

Established in 2011, Utervision premiered its first production in Avignon, France. Utervision has presented performance works across the world, including Japan, France, the UK, and Southeast Asia. Utervision consists of 10 core members.
The company name is coined from ‘uter’ (‘uterus’ for womb in Latin) and ‘vision’ (ability to see / insightful). It represents our ambition to be an artistic collective that encompasses all branches of art and creates innovative experience for the audience.
We incorporated figure theatre in our practice since 2012 and created Utervision’s unique style of combining puppetry and physical expressions. In 2015, Utervision started collaborative work with Southeast Asian artists and companies. At present, we are in the process of developing collaborative performance works with artists in Nepal and Laos, while continuing working on new productions.
Utervision transforms any space in any corner of the world into a theatre. Our productions are directed especially for the site we are in.
Through creation, arts and culture, Utervision connects people: we connect practitioners and the audience, local residents and the area, self and others, and imagination and the world. We strive to continue creating works to connect us together.
Mutual understanding is an essence of the creative process of any performance work, which becomes one’s “wisdom of life”. We consider searching for a “wisdom of life” together with people across the world is a creative act.
Utervision aspires to create our performance work without any restrictions, especially without being limited by our past works and styles. We search for the theatrical language that is best suited for the company at the time, seeking inspirations for innovative and original ideas from the natural world and children. We always start from scratch, with a blank page and an empty space, to think outside the box.

2011 | Utervision Company Japan 設立 仏Festival d’Avignonにて「Utou」旗揚げ公演 |
2013 | 英エディンバラにて「Ne-Bu-Ta」上演 |
2014 | 仏アヴィニョンにて「Le petit roi」上演 |
2015 | 「アダムとイヴ、私の犯罪学」 いいだ人形劇フェスタ、いしかわ舞台芸術祭に招聘される 「Ango/Sakura」 Avignon演劇祭OFFプロデューサー・劇場に推薦を受ける |
2016 | 「The Wardrobe ~She is Gone~」 Thailand World Harmony Puppet World Festival 2016に招聘される TOpic (Tolosa Puppet International Center) に、パペットを寄贈 TEDxTokyo yzにて登壇 「パペットの魅力について」トーク&パフォーマンス |
2017 | 「モモ」 Yunlin International Puppet Theatre Festival に招聘される The ASEAN Puppet Festival Hanoi – 2017 に招聘され、ベトナム人と「One Day」を創作上演 雲林人形博物館に、パペットを寄贈 |

2018 | 東京都北区文化芸術活動拠点ココキタのレジデンスアーティストに選ばれ、アトリエを移転 「銀河鉄道の夜」 Harmony Puppet World Festival in Phuket 2018に招聘される |
2019 | 台湾公演 台中国際花博覧会人形劇サミットTaichung World Flora Exposition – Puppet Show Summit に招聘される ルーマニア公演 国際児童シアターフェスティバル International Theatre Festival for Young Audienceに招聘される ネパールTheatre Mall Nepalとの共同創作をスタート、「シシルバサンタ」「シェルロッティ」上演 |
2020 | 「Kandata ~犍陀多~」が、Eazees International Women’s Theatre Festivalに日本人で初めてノミネートされる 巨大パペットと光のパフォーマンス「河童」を建物から見下ろす観劇スタイルで上演する |

2011 | Foundation of Utervision Company Japan The first production Utou was presented in Festival d’Avignon, France |
2013 | Ne-Bu-Ta (Edinburgh, UK) |
2014 | Le petit roi (Avignon, France) |
2015 | My Own Criminology: A Story of Adam and Eve (Ishikawa, Japan) Recommended by the Iida Puppet Festa 2015 Official Selection of Ishikawa Theatre Festival 2015 Ango/Sakura (Avignon, France) Recommended by one of the producers and participating theatre of Festival OFF d’Avignon The Wardrobe ~She is Gone~ (Kanchanaburi, Thailand) |
2016 | Invited to Thailand World Harmony Puppet World Festival 2016 Donated a puppet to TOpic (Tolosa Puppet International Center) A talk and performance at TEDxTokyo yz, under the title of “Infinite possibility of puppetry” |
2017 | Momo (Yunlin, Taiwan) Invited to Yunlin International Puppet Theatre Festival Participated in The ASEAN Puppet Festival Hanoi – 2017 by invitation to create a short piece “One Day” with Vietnamese artists Donated a puppet to Yunlin Hand Puppet Museum, Taiwan |
2018 | Moved to Cocokita (cultural and artistic activity hub in Kita Ward, Tokyo) as residence artists Night on the Milky Way Train (Phuket, Thailand) |
2019 | Invited to Harmony Puppet World Festival in Phuket 2018 Mall Nepaland presented Shishir Basanta, Sel Roti |
2020 | Kandata ~犍陀多 ~ has been nominated to be the first Japanese production to be performed in Eazees International Women’s Theatre Festival Kappa (Tokyo, Japan) An outdoor performance of giant puppets and light with the audience spectating from the windows |
TEL : +81 80 6687 6742
E-MAIL : manager@utervision.jp